The Nurse Workbook 2.0 Paperback + RekPlay
153 Reviews
Learn Interactively with our 300 page activity nurse workbook that includes 110+ FREE nursing video lessons on RekPlay!
Test and retain your knowledge without the boring black and white textbooks. Our content is SO good this book is even utilized by the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) New Grad Residency Program!
We start from the VERY BASICS and build into advanced hemodynamics so you can be any level of nursing (or learner) to understand our content!
From Basics to Bedside... RekMed's got you covered!
Interactive Learning
Learn faster and Better
110+ Rekplay Videos included
150,000 + Nurses Helped
300 Pages of Material
Subjects include: The Assessment, The Basics, Cardiac, Neurology, Respiratory, Multi-System, Lab Values, Renal, Gastro and more!
Every Activity page has it's own video!
It's like having a personal tutor at your fingertips! With over 110+ videos and bonus content updated monthly, our RekPlay series walks you step by step through every activity so you learn MORE than what the book gives you. Learn REAL WORLD nursing along the way!
What if I'm not in nursing school?
What exactly is RekPlay?
Rekplay is our video series that is taught by Jenn Zahourek, RN that walks you step by step through every single page and activity page. Not only does it come with over 110+ video lessons, but you get PRINTABLE PDF pages included so you can re-test your knowledge again if you've already filled it out once. PLUS Quizlet attached to each lesson so you can quiz yourself with interactive Flash Cards, Matching games, and even PODCAST episodes on select lessons to help you listen and learn when you want to.
To Recap: 110+ video lessons. Bonus Content added monthly. Printable PDFs. Quizlet games. Podcasts. and ONE solid pricetag no subscription.
100+ video lessons FREE that
walk you step by step through
every activity
Made for ANY level of nursing
or any type of Learner
Get hundreds of activities
with gamified learning, plus
printable PDFs
One price, no subscriptions.
Why RekMed?
Study faster &
more effectively
Trusted by
Universities &
New Grad Programs
Over 150k students
learning Real World Nursing!
One price, no subscriptions
See how we match up against other nursing resources
Created by highly Experienced Nurses
Interactive Learning
Includes Real World Nursing Education
Affordable for students
One price, no subcriptions.
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