Helpful Tips and Tricks for a Successful Nursing Interview:

We all know how beneficial it is to land a healthcare job while we are in nursing school. Whether it be a health care aide or securing an undergraduate employed nursing position. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to interview for a maternity unit student position. Of course, I was scouring the internet for all the interview tips I could find. Now, I want to share the ones I found the most important with you! I will be covering a list of questions you may be asked in the interview, questions you can ask, a few other helpful tips.

Questions The Employer May Ask:

  • Why do you want to be a nurse? This gives you a chance to show the employer how passionate you are about your field!
  • What are some positives you can list about your work? What are some areas you can continue to grow? 
  • Name a time in the workplace you had a conflict with a patient, family member, or co-worker. This shows the employer your problem-solving skills!
  • Name a time you advocated for a patient. This allows you to talk about patient safety or person-centered care, which are usually big selling points in our work line!
  • What would you do if you made a med error? TIP: Before telling anyone, ALWAYS assess the patient to ensure they are okay before leaving the room.
  • What would you do if you were unsure about a skill you were asked to perform? A safe answer is checking your unit's policies and procedures and checking someone else before proceeding!

Questions for You to Ask: 

  • What is the nurse-patient ratio on the unit?
  • Do they work 8 or 12-hour shifts? What would your rotation/schedule be?
  • Does this role require you to take any additional courses?
  • Based on our interview today, do you have any hesitations about me and potentially moving forward with this position? This is great to ask as your very last question. Either they will say they have no hesitations with you, which is GREAT! Or, it will allow you to know what they are leery about, and this gives you a chance to explain why you would be able to overcome their hesitations. 

Last-Minute Tips:

  • Take your time to answer questions: You would rather answer a question with a well-thought-out response than rush your response and end up saying the wrong thing.
  • Use as much detail as possible when answering questions: Pretend the interviewers don't know the steps of anything you are explaining – this gives you a chance to show off how much knowledge you have and when to apply it!
  • Highlight your achievements and previous clinical experiences. 

BE YOURSELF: No one else does you better than you, so show them why your personality would be a great addition to their team.

Written by: Holly Peacock

hollyInstagram: babynurse




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